Advanced Partnering Techniques

Innovating our industry

At RHA, our team members continuously review:

  • Project challenges that your team experiences, and

  • New and important goals to our client base.

With our future-focused attitude, we invest time developing new processes and methods to make your job easier and project more successful.

Many of our Contractor and Agency clients understand the value and benefits of Partnering as a more comfortable and productive way to do business. We often refer to it as “putting the handshake back into business.”


Owner Benefits

  • Lower change orders

  • Fewer claims

  • Higher stakeholder satisfaction

  • Increase in innovative solutions

  • Supportive team attitudes


Contractor Benefits

  • Streamlined issue resolutions

  • Lower overhead costs

  • Stronger relationship and reputation with Owner

  • Efficient worksite

  • Maintained or increased profit

Implement RHA Techniques such as:

  • Total Project Team IntegrationTM

  • Internal Alignment, or Top to Bottom Buy-in

  • Management-level Alignment

  • Risk Assessments

  • LEED and sustainability-focused workshops

  • Specialized support processes for Alternative Project Delivery methodologies

  • Assigned Project Facilitator program


Design Scoping

This service benefits both Owners and Design Professionals. Historically Owners have had certain expectations in the depth of research and independent design that a Designer will be providing. The problem occurs for Designers when they provide work, which they believe meets the Owner’s intent, but the Owner objects. This subjects the Designer to redesign fees and extra hours that are not in their budget. The result is that Designers are cautious in creating only designs based upon Owner direction. This limits innovation, economy, and creative solutions to the client’s needs when working with a design professional. A facilitated conversation involving goals and expectation of both the Owner and Design team allows each to craft an appropriate scope and budget to the process.

Risk in Partnering

An advanced technique that RHA has incorporated into both our Alternative Delivery projects and our traditional Partnering workshops is a structured discussion and analysis of project risk. Clients are excited to uncover and proactively address issues which historically cause delay and result in large cost overruns during construction.

From our experience over the past 20 years in the design and construction industry, we have observed many project challenges that could have been avoided had we taken the time to discuss Risk during the design phases of a project. Risk does not go away because we avoid talking about it, it typically gets more complicated and more expensive – resulting in higher change order costs – than if the risk would have been addressed early.

Contractors often view project risks differently from the owner and the designer, so even if we do address some of the risks during design, there are still other risks that should be discussed once we move into construction.

Learn how to use a risk register during the design process and then at the partnering session for construction to help project teams gain a better understanding of the overall risk impacts and develop plans for addressing the identified risks to help reduce impacts on your project.
