Monitor Team Progress

“What gets measured gets done”

- W. Edward Deming


A critical component in maintaining a strong and healthy team working relationship is an active commitment to monitoring how the team is performing. We help your team do this by establishing team consensus goals to which the entire team commits. This is different than process, these are behavior-related goals on how we agree to work together.

In the evaluation, you invite feedback from any team member that is regularly and actively involved. They rate team performance and provide comments for each goal. This is not about finger-pointing. It is a rating of the overall team performance, so participants are including their own performance in their evaluations.

By monitoring your team goals on a regular basis, typically monthly, you can track where the team is excelling, and where it is having challenges. With the current information on emerging challenges, you can proactively discuss, address, and correct how the team is working. As with any tracking system, this increases performance and success.

RHA offers this service to our clients to help maintain the Partnering process. This includes working directly with the owner and contractor/consultant through their appointed project representative on a scheduled basis.

RHA will provide a computerized monthly partnering evaluation form through our web site. Each project will be assigned a project number. The team member will log onto their project, fill out the monthly rating form online and then a set of graphs will be available for the team to use. The Partnering Champions for the project will have access to the graphs and the project comments to share with the entire team as a tool to discuss ways to improve and areas to provide support.